Intuitive WTF?!
Being spiritually open isn't always rainbows and sunshine. Intuitive WTF?! Podcast questions the higher spiritual path we all chose to experience and how it relates to those annoying WTF moments in our everyday life. Tune in for spiritual rants and casual conversations from Intuitive Reader, Energy Healer and self proclaimed “Skeptical Psychic,” Aaron Heart, as he discusses his view on the spiritual purpose behind life events, past lives, manifestation, energy, and anything else metaphysical, supernatural, or paranormal.
Intuitive WTF?!
Being 'Woo Woo' in Corporate Culture
Season 2
Episode 2
Staying woo in corporate culture is challenging with the rigidity and lack of humanity in the workplace. Tune in for a chat on being 'woo woo' in corporate America with my guest Deanna Riddick, PhD (infinitesupply.org, IG:@infinitesupply222) as we discuss our experiences and how we navigate being spiritual this un-woo culture.
Learn more about Aaron Heart or schedule a healing by visiting www.intuitivewtf.com or follow on Instagram @intuitivewtf.
He also host the Spiritual WTF?! Experience. Learn more about this event at www.spiritualwtf.com.